Alumni Benefits

圣家校友会的成员有机会获得一些福利和服务, including insurance and museum discounts, access to the library and publication archives, career resources, HFU license plates, invitations to exclusive alumni events, and more. 


Meyers Springs

Crayola Experience Discount

Through a special affiliate partnership, Holy Family University alumni, family, 所有年龄段的朋友都可以享受打折门票 Crayola Experience, located in Easton, Pennsylvania!

Crayola体验包括数十个丰富多彩的创意活动,让您享受一整天的家庭乐趣. Bigger, brighter and bolder than ever, 克雷奥拉体验和克雷奥拉商店的丰富多彩的冒险帮助孩子和成人探索艺术和技术, express their creativity, and experience color in a whole new way. 

To purchase discounted tickets directly, go to: or, visit: and enter Store Name: HFU.

Franklin Institute Discount

作为富兰克林学院会员票计划的成员, 十大网络彩票平台大全的朋友和家人可以节省高达20%的博物馆入场费!     

Discover something new at The Franklin Institute, where kids and parents can explore the fun side of science. 有12个尖端的动手展览,科学从来没有这么有趣-自己发现!


STEP 1: Visit the Affiliate Ticket Program website,     
STEP 2: Login and enter your organization code: FAMILYGRP     
STEP 3: Purchase and print your discounted tickets

Fun & Games

十大网络彩票平台大全校友会很高兴为所有年龄段的老虎提供一些有趣的活动和游戏, including a Word Search, Crossword Puzzle, Solitaire, and Coloring Pages. 

HFU License Plates


十大网络彩票平台大全很荣幸与PennDot合作,并提供一个官方的十大网络彩票平台大全车牌. This plate is available to Pennsylvania residents only, 申请表必须由该车辆的登记车主填写。. The cost for the license plate is $32 for PennDOT fees. As of September 2017, 作为本计划的一部分,不再需要向校友会提供额外的礼物. 如果你还想送礼物,你可以用另一张支票.

Holy Family University Magazine

十大网络彩票平台大全》杂志每年出版两次,免费邮寄给所有校友. The current and past issues are available online:

NOTE: If you have not received your print copy, 请填写正确的地址,以确保我们有您的正确地址 Alumni Update Form.

Familogue Yearbook

Individual volumes of Familogue, Holy Family University’s yearbook, have been digitized for the benefit of alumni. 从1958年圣家的第一个毕业班开始, 从2013届开始,每个班级都出版了《十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金》.

To view, search, and download a yearbook:

Folio Archive

1959年起担任十大网络彩票平台大全文学杂志, 神圣的家庭对开本是一个持久的传统,庆祝其贡献者的创造力和艺术完整性. Every year, Folio collects work submitted by students, faculty, and staff, compiling it all together to be printed in the magazine. 杂志的版面包括散文、诗歌、艺术品和摄影的原创作品. Folio is one of Holy Family's longest running publications, 整个校园社区都非常尊重这一传统.

Library Access

欢迎校友在开放时间内随时访问图书馆,并允许校友在校期间访问实体和在线图书馆资源.  校友如欲使用图书馆,请联络校友办公室( or call 267-341-5017) to request an Alumni Library Pass. 

请注意,将不允许WIFI接入,但网络计算机工作站可用. 访客必须遵守与学生相同的COVID-19健康和安全指南,并在任何校园建筑内佩戴口罩.

Holy Family University Bookstore

展示你的老虎骄傲与官方神圣的家庭校友swag! Visit the University Bookstore online (送货上门或上门取件)或亲身购物. 商店营业时间和书店十大网络彩票平台大全都公布在网站上.

BONUS: Sign up for Bookstore emails 并获得一件校服九折优惠券. Offer cannot be combined with other offers. Some exclusions apply.

Career Counseling and Resources

职业发展中心的工作人员了解在不断变化的就业市场中导航的挑战. We are here to support you in that process, 为你提供资源,让你在职业探索和求职过程中感到有力量. 我们强烈鼓励应届毕业生和校友充分利用学校提供的就业服务.

为校友提供的服务包括个性化的职业咨询, career exploration coaching, resume and cover letter review, mock interviewing, and other job-seeking/networking skills and techniques. 请参阅校友职业服务页面上的完整列表和职业活动.

如需预约,请联系职业发展总监Angela Cutchineal '06 267-341-3201 or via email at

Additionally, we encourage all alumni to follow Holy Family University on LinkedIn.

Northeast Cycle

我们很高兴地宣布与东北循环建立新的合作伙伴关系, an indoor cycling studio, which is located in Morrell Plaza (9910 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia PA 19114). 所有圣家校友在网上预订时,使用“HFUALUMNI”代码,可免费享受首期课程,并可享受九折优惠 or via the MindBody app.

感谢东北自行车公司的老板,10届的Dana Dobrowolski,给了我们这个特别的优惠!

Personal Training

Giant Fitness现在为所有圣家学生提供FitLife提供的个人训练,打八折, faculty, and alumni! Contact Frank at 267-275-4762 一个免费的课程,让你开始一个健康的生活方式.

Graduate Programs

十大网络彩票平台大全提供大量的研究生课程,所有校友都免收申请费! 浏览我们的硕士和博士学位,发现最适合你的课程.

Transcript Requests

需要一份你的正式成绩单或替代文凭的复印件? Alumni can conveniently order these online.

Order Documents Online

Holy Family Athletics

Go Tigers! Visit the official website of the Tigers - - for team schedules, scores, news, and more.

Prayer Requests

The Holy Family community believes in the power of prayer, 我们邀请你和我们分享你的意图,这样我们就可以和你一起祈祷.

HFU Abroad & Travel Opportunities

Each year, 十大网络彩票平台大全与英孚教育旅游合作,开展海外文化探索之旅, healthcare, education, art, biodiversity, history, and geography. 旅行对整个HFU社区开放,套餐包括航班, lodging, ground transportation, many meals, guides, and tours.

Golden Alumni Lifelong Learning Program

This program enables members of our Golden Alumni Society 在有名额的情况下,审核一门免学费的本科课程. Contact the Alumni Office for complete details.